Type of Dive: Reef / Bolders
Access: Boat (about 30 min)
Minimum Qualification: Advanced Open Water
Depth: 7 - 37 meters
The Pinnacle is a spectacular submerged rock formation rising from 30 – 35 metres up to about 8 metres depth, where there are two peaks. It is situated on the north eastern end of Fish Rock, in the path of the ocean current that usually runs from north to south. As such, this dive site should only be dived when the current is not too strong. If you get the opportunity do not miss what is one of the best dive sites at Fish Rock.
We often start drift dives at Fish Rock from the Pinnacle heading either along the eastern or western side of the Rock to end the dive at the Shark Gutter or the Aquarium or sometimes the Shallow Entrance to Fish Rock Cave. However if the current is weak or not present the Pinnacle is a whole dive in itself.
The Pinnacle is a favourite spot for the Grey Nurse Sharks, it is common to see 20 to 30 plus sharks in the sand gutter. The northern side of the Pinnacle you can spot some of the largest Ornate and Spotted Wobbegongs found at Fish Rock, plus green and loggerhead turtles munching the sponges that encrust the Pinnacle. Check out the “Turtle Cradle” – this is where the Pinnacle joins to Fish Rock at about 16 metres and there is a favored resting spot for one of our resident loggerheads.
The sheer sponge walls of the Pinnacle are perfect for searching out elusive octopus, nudibranchs of every hue, juvenile slipper and painted cray and for hanging out watching the fish life – look out for large schools of banner fish and southern fusiliers.
Finishing this dive at the top the Pinnacle usually accompanied by a variety of colourful wrasse, leatherjackets and the ubiquitous batfish and bullseyes plus many more.