
Shark Gutters

Fish Rock


Type of Dive: Reef / Bolders

Access: Boat (about 30 min)

Minimum Qualification: Advanced Open Water

Depth: 16 - 35 meters


Located on the southern side of Fish Rock are the SHARK GUTTERS. Three massive gutters which shelve to a depth of 16 metres and descend to a depth of 35 metres.

Grey Nurse sharks are found here all year, with large groups being sighted. These majestic creatures are a must to dive with, and are used to cruising past divers eager to catch a glimpse.

Regular price $0.00

Type of Dive: Reef / Bolders

Access: Boat (about 30 min)

Minimum Qualification: Advanced Open Water

Depth: 16 - 35 meters


Located on the southern side of Fish Rock are the SHARK GUTTERS. Three massive gutters which shelve to a depth of 16 metres and descend to a depth of 35 metres.

Grey Nurse sharks are found here all year, with large groups being sighted. These majestic creatures are a must to dive with, and are used to cruising past divers eager to catch a glimpse.